Apk To Lite Apk
Apk to lite apk
In this topic I'll guide you how to to decrease the size of APK
[video tutorials are bottom of this page]
We can decrease size of application by removing unwanted stuff inside the APK
1)In my view there are lots of not useful language files in every APK. so only we want a particular language which we use regularly and remaining all are useless to us and it consumes lots of size of apk
Language files are nothing but strings.xml files
In an app under res/ tab we see folders like Values,values-en,values-ru,values-hi,etc....
So default language (values) and our native language is important to us and other language files are not necessary for us so we can directly delete them but be careful only try to delete language files folder... Plz watch video tutorial i provided in this post for better understanding...
I mean lib files in lib folder..
example if your device is arm64-v8a then remove other lib files... because there is no use with them and this files are very important to run the application in specified device architecture so be careful while removing those with files please check before which architecture of your device running remember this files only and delete other libs
3)in some APK we can find different drawable folders under resource tab so before you are deleting this drawable folder which are not useful to you make sure you are deleting correct files...
These are some known DPI's i know plz refer this
Screen DPIs: ldpi [120dpi], mdpi [160dpi], hdpi [240dpi], xhdpi [320dpi], xxhdpi [480dpi], xxxhdpi [640dpi]
4)some preloaded media like images,videos,MP3, some app preloaded data which are in different formats to not understand to us so plz download video tutorial I'll provided above to understand in clear way...
which which consumes some space because when we open application it shows as the preloaded images are some videos but sometimes we not need them and this files are situated in in two folders namely assets and raw folders...
So depending upon our use if they are not necessary for our use then we can delete them but don't forget to to remove the public ID of them which are situated in values tab under public.xml we can also remove fonts in assets folder if there are in multiples so default font must be remained there itself
5) and we can also remove unnecessary layouts maybe I'll explain it in my upcoming post And you can find it there in video tutorial or in discripition
6)we can also Remove usless classes files inside an apk but for that we need to do lots of changes but don't worry I'll teach you later in my viedo tutorials
if you don't understand about this then please comment below so that I'll explain in detail..
(plz download tutorial & watch & later you can comment)
because if someone comment then I realise people are watching my posts and I realise and motivated to explain more topics by posts in our blog
Download the video tutorial which I've provided to understand clearly
1)Tutorial 1
Video size:158mb in English
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